Social Development Strategy
The Social Development Strategy (SDS) highlights the importance of providing opportunities, skills, and recognition for young people. When children are provided these 3 things, they begin to develop a sense of bonding and attachment to the people or institutions that provide them! And when they have a sense of bonding and attachment, they will be motivated to abide by the clear standards for behavior you share with them! All this leads down the road to healthy behaviors. With these elements in place, young people can be successful and contribute to society.
SDS is proven to work by the University of Washington, and is engrained in everything that we do in the CTC Coalition. This process can be used in home, education, health care, law enforcement, business, social services, government, and community serving settings.

As we all know the struggle, helping our kids with their school work can be a bad experience for both parents, and students. Here is a real example of how the Social Development Strategy was used in a members home during homework time.
Alexa: I can't do this math homework, it is just too hard! I'm not smart enough to finish it.
Mom: Yes you are! Do you think that I am a smart person?
Alexa: Yes.
Mom: Well I had to work this hard at school too, especially math. You are just as smart as me, and we can figure this out, together.
(After the test)
Mom: How do you think the test went?
Alexa: I think it went fine.
Mom: I bet you did great.
(A week later the test results had been posted).
Mom: Let's check the portal and see how you did... It looks like you got a B! This is awesome Alexa, I am so proud of you. You worked hard and it paid off with a great grade!
This experience from learning the assignment and recognizing Alexa's work has helped increase a positive bond between mom and child. Now, Alexa is invested in her school work because she knows that she is smart enough to do it, and has the support from her family to hold her accountable and celebrate her wins.
An opportunity has been created for mom and Alexa to figure out the homework math assignment.
A skill was nurtured when mom and Alexa worked through the homework together.
Recognition took place when Mom congratulated Alexa on her good grade.

"This training was helpful to me in that it will allow me to help my students to better themselves and hopefully realize they can do anything they set their mind/goals for their future."

"Everyone could benefit from this training. As a community we all need to be aware of all things positive to help our youth and others."
"The SDS training has provided beneficial information on how to better support the youth and utilize with other people within the community. The training provides a positive way to interact, influence, and guide our youth, families, and the community."

"It was refreshing information that would be very useful in my classroom and home."